Fri Sep 26 2003

So lately Pugsley has this new thing he does in the mornings. (Pugsley's my cat. No, not the cute one. No, not the smart one, either.) He lays at the foot of the bed waiting for me to show the first signs of life. When I stir slightly, he walks slowly up to my face, puts his paw on my nose, and starts purring.

At this point, I try to simultaneously go back to sleep, ignore him, and wonder how much time until the alarm goes off. Even when I'm 90% asleep, I multitask.

Once Pugsley's determined I am not dead, he leaps off the bed, runs down to the kitchen, then runs back to the bedroom and jumps back on the bed. (His mystery limp doesn't seem to affect him when he does this.) Then he opens his mouth and drops a tiny bit of dry kibble next to my face.

I can't figure out if the message is "Here's breakfast, daddy!" or "Get up, jackass, this is all the food we have left."

But I'm really happy I never got them started on wet food.