Cary Lu

Will Low[hidden]

The new Millenium is really here - 2001. While cleaning out my database I came across a name that brought realization that I've been speeding along in this industry and not stopping often enough to see the personalities. So now I'm stopping for Cary Lu.

I too date back to being one of the early adopters of the Mac - I licensed HD Back-up to Apple, the first hard drive back up program as well as created the first SCSI drive to be co-marketed by Apple dealers. And during this time of exciting growth, I counted on a editor of our fledging industry to give me his ear and as well as his insights on my ideas, products and sometimes life.... that person, Cary.

A few years ago, when I heard he passed away, I just had a feeling of "wow, another one leaves the industry". But today, stopping and thinking, I have other thoughts - happy ones 'cause I had the pleasure to know Cary - balding, smiling, looking a little geeky (ok, a lot) and always listening.

After reading a few things about Cary, I wished I spent more time getting to know him. Nevertheless, I wish the best for his family and they should know that Cary touched many as a caring professional who was respected, admired and appreciated.

I will always cherish his memory.
