Cary Lu

Paul Montgomery[hidden]

Almost 5 years ago, when I recieved my first Macintosh (as a wedding present!) Two books were given to me at the same time. One has long since been passed on - I can't even remember the name of it. The other was The Apple Macintosh Book. It still sits on my shelf in a prominant place. Awe is the best word to describe how I felt about it even then. On the strength of that book alone, the name Cary Lu was burnt into my mind, so that whenever I came across the name after that, I eagerly dove headlong into whatever he had written. And I was never ever disappointed. When I heard that Mr. Lu had died, I'm not ashamed to say it immediately brought a tear to my eye, even though it had been many months since I had read anything by him. Apparantly, a lot of other people have the same feelings about him.