Cary Lu

Mark Eppley[hidden]

Wow! Reading the Sunday paper before heading off to the Mariners last season game and I didn't expect to read what I did in Paul's Seattle Times column. I've been chilling out a bit this past year so not as active as I once was in the industry which is why reading about Cary's death was such a surprise.

I will miss Cary. Never will forget that phone call way back when .....maybe 1983 when Cary was with INC magazine. I just started Traveling Software and we were doing plug in ROM software (and anything else we could think of) for the Radio Shack Model 100. Like many journalists, the model 100 was Cary's primary writing tool.

After the Mac came out, Cary was hounding me to make it easier to transfer files out of the M100 to the the Mac. He was persistent enough and persuasive enough that we did LapLink Mac. Was the only product introduction were we actually received a front page story in the trades (thx infoworld and maddog). Dick Brass had a few comments (of course when doesn't he?). Remember Cary and Dick when they started that company..........what a contrasting pair those two were! Sushi parties at Dick's place on the lake. We should do one in memory of Cary.

I will miss you Cary. I have a box of LapLink Mac that will always stay on my bookshelf.