Cary Lu

Chris Matzen[hidden]

Cary lived the spirit of cooperation and helpfulness that has been the best of personal computing. Notwithstanding his fame as a writer of Microsoft Press books on the Mac, the MacWorld column, and numerous other articles, he regularly responded to questions posted in dBUG Mentors. Cary would sometimes mention activities he and his family shared, like backyard astronomy.

Cary also enjoyed small-scale dealing in used Mac and electronic parts. I once bought a portable color TV from him (still works!) and own the 2nd and 3rd editions of his "The Apple Macintosh Book".

Cary has frequently appeared on dBUG panels or acted as moderator of dBUG panels at the Main Meeting. Most recently, he presented the Main Meeting lecture on "The Future of the Internet".

He will be widely missed, but the sort of helpfulness to others he practiced can be lived by all of us who still have the chance.