Cary Lu

Richard Shen[hidden]

It is with great surprise and sadness to learn of Cary's passing. My grandmother told me a person is alive as long as the person is remembered. There are many people I remember, my grandmother, father, and special friends, and one of them is Cary Lu.

I am a devoted practitioner of the Macintosh Way. But my start in the personal computers was an AT&T 6300 PC and Cary's book on personal computers. The book has given me the foundation of understanding and love for technology. It is with that foundation that I am able to migrate to Macs and other technology.

I enjoyed his book by the way it was organized and how information is presented. Everything is concise and well illustrated for me to get in there and get what I needed. I have been teaching and his way has reflected in the way I have passed on my knowledge to others. I have not reached Cary's stature and notoriety, but I aspire to be. His life have touched mine, and in turn touched others. The ripple of life and knowledge rings on.

with sincere gratitude and sadness,