Cary Lu

Doug Hall[hidden]

I was very moved by Adam Engst's article in TidBITS. I never knew Cary personally, but I know people like him. These people should be on the news more often, because they affect our lives as much as anything. Cary's spirit of giving is what seems to stick out the most. Unfortunately, there aren't enough people on this earth with that spirit, so when one dies, we really miss them. My pastor once said: "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." I think that would be an appropriate statement for Cary. He cared. We should all strive to emulate Cary and others like him. After all, no one will remember us for what we gained in life. We too will be remembered for what we gave away.

To his wife and children, my prayers go out to you. I'm sure you will always miss him.