Cary Lu

Thomas V. Smith[hidden]

I didn't know Cary well, I wish I had. I do have something around to remember him by. My son has an audio cd player we bought from Cary. I hear music played on it every night and every morning, and well just about any time Jared is home. He diagnosed a problem with my floppy drive and fixed it for me and saved me much expence and hassle.

My best memories were of the two dBug meetings he led. I've quoted him to friends when they've asked if they should spend big bucks to get the latest, fastest modems. I've never heard anyone explain and analyze a complicated subject any better than he. And I still chuckle over his closing lines during the EZ/Zip drive comparison. The one where he observed the most stable and durable data storage medium ever invented is acid free paper. I'll miss him. - TVS